the rituals board

this is the board for talking about spooky rituals and spells.







random scary stuff

 |user: 3|
    |topic: welcome to the rituals board.|
          |welcome to the rituals board. here you can find spells and summoning tutorials. the first ritual you should learn is    |
          |the caterpillar demon ritual.                                                                                           |
          |to summon the caterpillar demon, you must place exactly 4 leaves on your head, and close your eyes.                     |
          |then you must spin around in a circle 6 times while chanting "caterpillar demon, get over here!                         |
          |if done correctly, a small caterpillar with muscular human arms and huge teeth should appear.                           |
    0 replies
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 |user: 69821|
    |topic: spell to make me better at math???|
          |i have a math test tomorrow, and i am very bad at math. please help!!!!                                                 |
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    2 replies
    |reply to user 69821 (op) from user 43255|
    [there is one spell, but it requires you to sacrifice your soul.]
    |reply to user 43255 from user 69821 (op)
    [---> there is one spell, but it requires you to sacrifice your soul.]
    [sounds good, how do i do it?]
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 |user: 38192|
    |topic: Ritual to summon a tree monster|
          |Here is a ritual to summon a harmless tree monster.                                                                     |
          |1. Pick up a tree branch or stick                                                                                       |
          |2. Sprinkle salt and horseradish on it                                                                                  |
          |3. Write "Seeds of life" on your floor with chalk and place the branch on it.                                           |
          |4. Wait 2 months, and the branch should grow and eventually come alive.                                                 |
    2 replies
    |reply to user 38192 (op) from user 59281|
    [cool ritual! now i have a little tree dude chilling in my house.]
    [i have one question, though. what should i feed him?]
    |reply to user 59281 from user 38192 (op)
    [---> i have one question, though. what should i feed him?]
    [Feed him rotten fruit and vegetables. You should also give him cold water too.]
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 |user: 71624|
    |topic: spell that does nothing|
          |here is a spell that if done correctly, does nothing. WARNING, if you mess up this spell, it will summon a super angry  |
          |demon into your home. so, what you have to do is take 5 deep breaths, then fill up a plastic bin with mustard. then     |
          |you must submerge the plastic bin in water for 2 hours. if you did this correctly, then nothing will happen!            |
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    1 replies
    |reply to user 71624 (op) from user 51928|
    [wow, it worked! nothing happened!]
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 |user: 56372|
    |topic: rEal dEmon hErE|
          |i am a dEmon and i nEEd a ritual to summon a human into hEll. i want to imprEss my friEnds by summoning a real human.   |
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    0 replies
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