

An esoteric programming language based on Brainfuck.

AmygDeluxe is a programming language that has syntax similar to the actions of a living being. You write programs by putting in instructions like "eat", "think", and "speak".

It is 100% turing complete, and can be used as a functional language.

The name "AmygDeluxe" comes from the part of the brain known as the amygdala.


    Walk = Move the pointer right
    Hop = Move the pointer left
    Run = Move the pointer right 5 times
    Leap = Move the pointer left 5 times
    Stumble = Move the pointer right a random amount of times
    Trip = Move tho pointer left a random amount of times
    Eat = Add 1 to the memory cell that the pointer is on
    Feast = Add 5 to the memory cell that the pointer is on
    Think = Add a random amount to the memory cell that the pointer is on
    Poop = Subtract 1 from the memory cell that the pointer is on
    Diarrhea = Subtract 5 from the memory cell that the pointer is on
    Die = Set the memory cell that the pointer is on to 0
    Revive = Set the memory cell that the pointer is on to 255
    Speak = Output the value of the current memory cell as ascii
    Crawl = Make a new line of output
    Learn = Set the current memory cell to the ascii value of the input
    Scream = Output the value of the current memory cell as a number
    Calculate = Multiply the value of the current memory cell by itself
    Program = Outputs "Hello, world!"
    Wash = Clears the terminal
    Wait = Pauses for 0.1 seconds before executing next function
    Task = Puts the functions inside of it as a loop
    Goal = Loops back to Task as long as the current memory cell is not equal to 0

How to run AmygDeluxe programs:

First, install Ruby by typing "sudo apt-get install ruby" into the Linux terminal.

Then save the source code of the interpreter below as "Amygdeluxe.rb". Write your code into a text file. Then save it with the ".adlx" extension in the same directory as "Amygdeluxe.rb". Go to your terminal, and enter "cd (insert path to .adlx file)". Then type "ruby Amygdeluxe.rb" and put the name of the .sdlx file next to it, then press enter.

Example programs

Interpreter (Written in Ruby)